Pastor Josh Bryant
Senior Pastor of ODBC
Pastor Bryant grew up in the central valley of California in a loving home that did not regularly attend church. This environment left a void in his life that he tried to fill with sports, friends, and activities. This was fine at an early age, but as time went on, the desire to find something more fulfilling in life led him down a path of destruction that so many are lured down, "looking for more out of this life." Pastor Bryant had trusted Christ as his personal savior at age 7 in a Sunday School class after learning of the great love and sacrifice of Jesus Christ. However, without regular church attendance or a solid church to learn and grow in, he had wandered a long way away. By age 20, life choices were beginning to take their toll on relationships and his career path, and looking back, it is clear that God was out on the mountains looking for this sheep who had wandered far from safety (Matt. 18:12-13). We often must be broken before we are ready to turn from sin to a holy God, but all who do find that he is immeasurably gracious, loving, kind, and ready to forgive.
Pastor Bryant was brought back to fellowship with Christ by an invitation to start attending a small Bible-believing church that had been started in the central valley where he lived. He would come Sunday morning (sometimes still suffering from choices made the night before) and hear the word of God preached, in truth, by a man who believed every word of it. This was what he had been looking for all along. Having never been exposed to REAL bible preaching, he was amazed by what was in that book, how it was put together, and how it always felt like God was talking directly to him. Shortly after this, Pastor Bryant moved to Missoula, MT to attend The Missoula Bible Institute, which was a ministry of Open Door Baptist Church pastored by John Haveman at that time. Having been called to preach in California but not knowing specifically what God wanted him to do, he followed the leading of God and the counsel of godly men, and served in Open Door Baptist as a jail minister, Sunday school teacher, bus worker (then captain), nursing home at times, door knocker, street preacher, and bathroom cleaning technician.
On January 7th, 2018, Josh Bryant took over as senior pastor of Open Door Baptist Church. It was through much prayer and patience that God revealed his will to both Pastor Haveman and Josh as to what he desired for their lives, and ultimately the lives of those that would be affected by the change of leadership. Pastor Bryant has been a member of Open Door Baptist Church since September of 2002, and he now counts it a great privilege to serve as the pastor there. He could not do this without his beautiful wife Rebekah as a faithful helpmeet, and his four wonderful children who God is continually using to "instruct him in the way of righteousness." Pastor Bryant would love for you to experience the wonderful grace that comes from growing in God's word, fellowshipping with his saints, and serving our worthy Lord together! His sincere desire is to be at your service... in His service.
Pastor Bryant was brought back to fellowship with Christ by an invitation to start attending a small Bible-believing church that had been started in the central valley where he lived. He would come Sunday morning (sometimes still suffering from choices made the night before) and hear the word of God preached, in truth, by a man who believed every word of it. This was what he had been looking for all along. Having never been exposed to REAL bible preaching, he was amazed by what was in that book, how it was put together, and how it always felt like God was talking directly to him. Shortly after this, Pastor Bryant moved to Missoula, MT to attend The Missoula Bible Institute, which was a ministry of Open Door Baptist Church pastored by John Haveman at that time. Having been called to preach in California but not knowing specifically what God wanted him to do, he followed the leading of God and the counsel of godly men, and served in Open Door Baptist as a jail minister, Sunday school teacher, bus worker (then captain), nursing home at times, door knocker, street preacher, and bathroom cleaning technician.
On January 7th, 2018, Josh Bryant took over as senior pastor of Open Door Baptist Church. It was through much prayer and patience that God revealed his will to both Pastor Haveman and Josh as to what he desired for their lives, and ultimately the lives of those that would be affected by the change of leadership. Pastor Bryant has been a member of Open Door Baptist Church since September of 2002, and he now counts it a great privilege to serve as the pastor there. He could not do this without his beautiful wife Rebekah as a faithful helpmeet, and his four wonderful children who God is continually using to "instruct him in the way of righteousness." Pastor Bryant would love for you to experience the wonderful grace that comes from growing in God's word, fellowshipping with his saints, and serving our worthy Lord together! His sincere desire is to be at your service... in His service.
Pastor Jeremy Millar
Associate Pastor of ODBC
Pastor Jeremy Millar was born in Alaska while his father was serving in the Air Force. While attending a church in Anchorage, Jeremy trusted the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal savior. When his father retired in 1996 his family moved to Florida where Jeremy grew up and went through high school. After high school and two years attending a junior college the Lord began to deal with Jeremy about attending bible institute. At this point, Jeremy had met his wife Kayla while in college and had gotten married. Jeremy and Kayla attended Pensacola Bible Institute together and graduated three years later. Upon graduating bible school in 2011 they loaded up their belongings and two small children and moved to Missoula to serve the Lord at Open Door Baptist Church! In 2012 they began working with the teens of ODBC and are continuing to do so. Pastor Bryant took over as the Senior Pastor at ODBC in January of 2018 and shortly after asked Jeremy to be the Assistant Pastor. Pastor Millar was ordained into the ministry and continues to serve as the Assistant Pastor at ODBC. Pastor Millar continues to be the best husband, father of three, and Pastor he can be for the Lord. When not working he enjoys pickleball, hiking, and spending time with his wife and family.